What is CRAFT?

Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is an evidence-based intervention designed to help family members engage loved ones into treatment. CRAFT therapists work with family members to positively improve the relationship so that the loved one agrees to treatment. Family members can make an important difference in getting their loved ones to enter treatment. Research has found that about 70% of concerned significant others who completed the CRAFT program were successfully able to get their loved one to enter treatment. A typical CRAFT program is about 8-12 sessions with the family members.

Why am I so important to helping my loved one get sober?

No one knows your family member better than you. You know your loved one’s quirks and habits. CRAFT teaches family members skills so you can motivate your loved one to enter treatment. Family members have as many tries at improving their relationship as they want. CRAFT is designed to move at the pace that you choose.

You are not alone

Millions of families are suffering from similar problems. Although knowing that others suffer doesn’t lessen your pain, you can take hope in knowing that many have “solved” their problems and learned to live more satisfying lives.

Family members have the power

Reach out if you want to learn techniques to help engage your substance-abusing loved ones into treatment.