
Michelle has consulted with Dr. Robert Meyers since 2014 to coach clinicians around the world. She is a certified CRAFT trainer and has trained several organizations in the CRAFT model. She also regularly provides coaching to new CRAFT therapists in the United States, Europe, and Canada. Michelle is very passionate about the CRAFT approach and the ability to mold it to best fit the needs of your community.

Previous CRAFT trainings include:

  • Bishop, California- 4/29/19-5/1/19

  • Denver, Colorado- 7/23/18-7/24/18

  • Denver, Colorado- 7/19/18-7/20/18

  • Paducah, Kentucky- 8/7/17-8/9/17

Previous CRAFT presentations include:

  • Norman, Oklahoma- 11/3/17

Reach out if you would like to host a training at your agency.